As this site is in early development advertisers are offered a special introductory rate. This is a shallow show of appreciation for supporting the early development of this portal for the Pubist/Pubbist/Pubisté?

As a further show of my appreciation your rate will remain fixed for any future advertising plus a best wish and blessings.

With the advent of the internet came the opportunity to reach and interest a large, large international market. A long term aim is to help support and maintain our nations dwindling pub stock by focusing on and actively promoting an awareness of our Great British Pubs to the worlds tourists before more pubs close their doors for good..
All graphics and content are produced simply and in co-operation with the advertiser.


One weeks Gigs'n'Jigs promotion JUST £ 5.00. Suitable for special moments, gig announcements, top secret raves etc.
One month Gigs'n'Jigs promotion JUST £10.00. Suitable for special moments, gig announcements, top secret raves etc. and very suitable for the well~planned, the well moneyminded and for maximizing virtual airtime.
What do you mean?
It's not cheap and shady! cheap indeed..
Feature from £105.00. Bespoke packages/options available. Just ask.
No VAT charged yet.
Minimal and simple conditions apply.
All features and sidebar adverts will be rotated in a multi-consideration order of importance, example: 'gig date yesterday' will be moved to the back of the bus if 'gig date now' is in the mix. 'gig date now' will get special mention, just for something to say if nothing else. This selection order is combined with many others including randominity, common sense and logic and all adverts are promoted throughout an expanding network as feature posts, content links, both or both plus something else.

Get in quick before it gets busy.

LOUDISH ATTENTION please: This is a very special introductory offer! Time limit unknown.

If you fall into the basket known as 'other advertisers' please email us with details of your interest.
Please include >IAmAnOtherAdvertiser< in your message title, typed with a Dalek accent, and be extremely concise with your details.

If you have any comments or suggestions on ways that we can improve this site or you would like further information please email us. Comments are enabled and you are encouraged to post one or more. All comments are moderated before publication. Confidentiality and Privacy Assured. Check Back Soon or Subscribe to Comments and Posts from the side~bar

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